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Why Jesus

Part 8- Are Bible Records Reliable?

We should test the historical reliability of the Scripture by the same rigorous criteria we apply to all historical documents.Knowing the number of manuscripts that have survived, reliability of the

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Why Jesus

Part 7- Gospel: Fact or Legend?

The New Testament provides the primary historical source for information about Jesus. Because of this, in the past two centuries many critics have attacked the reliability of the biblical documents.

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Why Jesus

Part 6- Was Jesus a Lunatic?

If we find it inconceivable that Jesus was a liar, then couldn’t he actually have mistakenly thought himself to be God? After all, it’s possible to be both sincere and

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Why Jesus

Part 5- Was Jesus a Liar?

Jesus claimed to be God. His claim must be either true or false, and everyone should give it the same kind of consideration he expected of his disciples when he

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Why Jesus

Part 3- Is Christianity a Curse?

The New Atheists believe Christianity is not only false, but evil. They repeatedly point to the maltreatment of Galileo, the atrocities of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Salem witch

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Why Jesus

Part 2 – Is Atheism More Moral?

The New Atheists unmercifully attack the evils of religion and the character of the biblical God. Morality can exist independently of God, they loudly proclaim. According to Dawkins, “We do

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