basic overview of the Bible
What is Foundations?
Foundations is a basic overview of the Bible and hermeneutical tool to equip followers of Jesus to understand, apply, and teach others God’s Word. In Bible school terms, Foundations teaches Old Testament and New Testament Survey, Beginning Hermeneutics,
and a Preaching Practicum. Foundations is more than a set of training materials, but rather it seeks to integrate what Christ followers may already know with what they still need to learn. In this way, Foundations is a process for providing tools for followers of Jesus and churches to abide in Christ daily, and to teach others His Word.

How is Foundations taught?
Foundations is divided into 5 sections. Each section includes 1 summarizing overview story, 1 timeline that gives a visual understanding of the section, and 5 individual Bible stories that give an in depth understanding of that section of the Bible. With each overview story and individual story there are drawings to give visual aid to what is occurring in the story, and this is very helpful to those in the training who are not able to read and/or write.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
~BIBLE (1 COR 1:18)